I didn't go into 2024 with any goal of how many books I wanted to read. I just thought it would be fun to see how many I did get through because I knew it was more than I had a chance to read since before I had kids. What are the chances that it would be such an epic and round number?! 50. Pretty darn cool if you ask me. Definitely a record for me, and yet I kind of want to beat it in 2025 ;)
I was on an Audiobook kick and would find myself making excuses to run errands so that I could listen. Because as a mom of two, working part time, as well as trying to make myself known as a writer, the only time I seemed to have any time to "read" was in the car. Living on an acreage outside of town made it a little easier too since the commute is generally 45 min to an hour each way. The problem was that the books were so good that I would want to stay in my car and keep listening, sometimes making me dangerously close to being late for work. lol. So without further ado, here is the list of books I read/listened to (because like 95% of them were in audiobook form). There are a few favourites that I had previously read that got pulled back into rotation in between audible credits and books on hold at the library. Books of 2024
What should I read in 2025?
AuthorLesley Prosko is the author of Instagram Moms are Full of Sh*t: To Hell with Mom Shaming. Archives
December 2024